Junior Internship
Five-week, 30-40 hours per week immersion at the worksite
Receive academic credit for successfully completing internship and related course work
Paired and work closely with a workplace mentor
HTH Internship Coordinator meets with mentor regularly about student progress, attendance, and project development
Develop a substantial project (or multiple projects) with the mentor to meaningfully contribution to the organization
A Presentation of Learning given at the conclusion to a panel of mentors and other employees to celebrate, reflect on, and critique Internship Project(s) work
Supported by a preparatory class taught at HTHNC
Intern assignments include mentor interviews, photojournalism, creation of an internship portfolio, project proposals, and regular reflection on growth and progress on a blog.
Program Outcomes
Students & Parents
Internship is one of most exciting and unique aspects of being a High Tech High student! A successful internship requires preparation, but the benefits are numerous, including:
Unique experiences for college preparedness and the college application process
Development of strong resume and job interview skills
Experience with potential career paths
Excitement and understanding of higher education requirements for certain career paths
Increased sense of responsibility and connection to the "real world"
Expanding one's sense of self and identity
HTH Teachers love the opportunity to help students connect with meaningful and enriching internship experiences. Preparation requires extensive up-front work, including:
Supporting students to find internship opportunities
Critiquing resumes, cover letters, and job interview skills
Workshops on professional behavior, professional emails, conflict management, independent research, and college-level paper writing
Frequent site visits to support intern-mentor relationships and successful completion of program requirements
The decision to host a High Tech High intern is a great way to both educate the future workforce and receive support from intelligent and dedicated individuals!
Your job as a mentor is to provide an educational and professional environment that supports students in completing their Junior project.